Author Selection

Monday, June 15, 2009

René Lévesque Bio Pic on the CBC

Well I was fortunate enough to tune into the CBC last night, and what might I find? Well the continuation of the René Lévesque bio pic. Now I was unfortunate enough to have missed the first part (aired some two years ago), but I was lucky to catch the second part (both airings last night and tonight). Now like many of my fellow Canadians who had been watching the NHL playoffs, there was not one mention of the continuation of this series among the many beer commercials. But luckily I caught it anyway.

Now I have a slight problem with the biography, well maybe multiple slight problems, so where do I start? Well first I have a feeling that the emotions and atmosphere have been lost in the English version. It looks as though the best take was probably in French, leaving the actor to try and recapture that moment in a language slightly unfamiliar to him. Furthermore if you are going to recapture a moment as significant as the defeat speech after the 1980 referendum, then why not show the original footage, after all its not as though the CBC does not have it. Then again that is something I have been looking for in bio films altogether.

Next, what happened to Colm Feore? Is he too busy to reprise his role as Trudeau? Well I guess so, because they had to find another actor to play the part; just a slight let down.
Aside from the poor acting and some slightly off casting, this program did deliver in a way that is truly commendable. While the name Lévesque in Québec is as well known as the hockey franchise, the same cannot be said in other areas of the country. Far to many times while reading Graham Fraser's book "René Lévesque and the Parti Québécois in Power" was I asked "who is that?" while when reading a book with Trudeau's name little was asked because it is Trudeau. Nevertheless, this documentary does educate those lucky enough to have caught it, on who René was and what he was fighting for.
Ironically while I criticize the acting, I have for the first time seen René in a light that truly is not conveyed in the written words. For the first time I find myself saying "oh poor René." Of course this holds many questions as to how accurate the acting is and what message is being portrayed, but maybe for the first time the story of a Québécois has been portrayed to all masses without the usual negative stigma associated with French politics. However only time will tell. Let us hope that next time this appears on television there is some advertisements because this story needs to be heard outside of Québec and those few who watch the CBC.
Z.R. Nissen


  1. Hey Zo is there anywhere on the net I can watch this?! I am intrigued now!


  2. No sadly, I think you would have to order it from the CBC or wait to see if they run it again. Oh CBC how you are a pain in the butt!
